Loho en color El Olivo Nature & Life Actividades en la naturaleza para niños en Finestrat, Alicante


El Olivo Nature & Life harnesses the power of nature so children and families can enrich themselves with 100% nature immersion play-based programs and experiential workshops.

El Olivo Nature & Life

Studies show that children are spending more and more time in front of screens rather than exploring and interacting with their outdoor environment. A nature-based education can benefit children’s health and development in numerous ways. In 2015 Louise Chawla, author of “The Benefits of Nature Contact for Children” noted that children who regularly engage in nature benefit from improved health, cognitive development, creativity and critical thinking, physical development, social/emotional development, and a connection to nature. 

Bilingual programs

We have a variety of bilingual programs English – Spanish for children ages 0-10 years old. All of our programs are 100% nature immersion.

Bilingual workshops

We have a variety of bilingual workshops English – Spanish for all ages 0-100 years old. All of our workshops are 100% nature immersion.


El olivo nature & life aims to fulfill a growing need for time spent outdoors, fostering authentic and meaningful relationships with the natural world, encouraging learning and creativity for all.


A typical day includes a short hike on a trail to arrive at our base camp for free exploration of the area. This usually includes looking for bugs, climbing trees and logs, collecting leaves, using gardening tools in a ground pit, fort building, and more.


Children are offered many opportunities for play. We have a mud kitchen, loose parts, and provocations set up to stimulate the imagination while playing in nature. Children will also have unstructured free play while exploring the forest.


Our holistic, emergent curriculum educates the whole child while following the interests of the child. Holistic learning focuses on all areas of child development including: physical, social, emotional, critical thinking, and the arts.


“The studies show that children are spending increasingly more time in front of screens instead of exploring and interacting with their outdoor environment. A nature-based education can benefit the health and development of children in many ways.”


What clients say about us.

Cristina Ibáñez
Cristina Ibáñez
Lugar mágico en plena naturaleza, donde se acompaña al niño de forma respetuosa, donde el niño tiene la posibilidad de ser el mismo, dadole importancia a las emociones, valores , etc . Los acompañantes son personas especiales, con vocación y amor por la infancia. Mi hijo de 5años estuvo en la escuela este verano y fue tan feliz y entendido que decidimos cambiarlo de escuela, en unos días comienza la aventura. Si estás indeciso, no dudes en darle está oportunidad a tu peque de vivir esta experiencia, que es un regalo para toda la vida
Beatriz Cánovas Pardo
Beatriz Cánovas Pardo
¡Qué gran proyecto! Súper necesario ese contacto con la naturaleza que les deja ser, crear, desarrollar el pensamiento crítico. Mi peque disfrutó de la experiencia muchísimo este verano y estamos seguros que no será la única vez. Gracias por crear este espacio.