Numerous studies have demonstrated an astonishing range of benefits derived from frequent, unstructured play in natural settings, exactly the kind of experiences a Forest School provides.
These benefits cover the holistic development of the whole child:
Constant movement in a natural terrain develops strength, coordination and balance of our body. It prevents sedentary lifestyles and obesity. Varied natural movement stimulates brain development and improves posture, gross and fine motor skills.
The sensory stimulation of being barefoot on different terrains especially helps develop neuromuscular strength and spatial awareness. Each and every part of our body requires movement to be healthy. Movement improves energy, circulation by providing nutrients and oxygen.
Natural areas provide unimaginable settings and stimuli for children’s imaginations to flourish. They easily make up stories or create play scenarios perhaps about explorers, farmers, or even scientists.
Nature also provides endless materials for crafts. Prolonged time in nature provides opportunities for stillness, observation, reflection, stimulating a child’s sense of beauty, appreciation, wonder and awe.
Natural environments are stimulating, diverse, dynamic and engaging for the brain and all the senses.
They provide the perfect environment for play-based learning, sensory integration, and provide a myriad of topics to study. They calm the nervous system, reduce stress and facilitate deep concentration.
Children who have difficulty sitting still, concentrating or processing the senses do better in natural outdoor learning environments.
Imaginative play develops skills in peer communication, conflict resolution and negotiation. Unstructured free play during extended time in nature promotes emotional resilience, independence, determination, self-confidence, self-awareness, self-regulation and skills to evaluate challenges.
Exposure to pheromones and chemicals emitted by trees has been shown to stimulate the immune system. Exposure to natural sunlight increases levels of vitamin D, a powerful immunizing nutrient that most of us lack.
Exposure to diverse microflora by interacting with soils, plants and animals improves the health and diversity of the microbiome. Eighty percent of our immune system resides in the gut, and the more diverse our microbiome, the stronger our immune system will be. Fresh air, sunlight and wide open spaces prevent the spread of germs among children.
People who spend enough time moving outdoors and in sunlight improve sleep and circadian rhythms. These rhythms guide bodily processes, lack of circadian rhythm synchronization (due to lack of outdoor time in sunlight and exposure to artificial light after sunset), has been shown to be a powerful indicator of depression, anxiety, insomnia and a wide spectrum of mind-body illnesses.
Barefoot time in nature has the added benefit of reducing inflammation, pain and stress.
Natural environments, away from crowded cities, have less polluted air.